- Lex punit mendacium
- The law punishes falsehood or mendacity.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
lex punit mendacium — /leks pyuwnat mandeys(h)(i)yam/ The law punishes falsehood … Black's law dictionary
lex punit mendacium — /leks pyuwnat mandeys(h)(i)yam/ The law punishes falsehood … Black's law dictionary
falsehood — I noun canard, commentum, deception, dissimulation, distortion, distortion of truth, equivocation, evasion, fabrication, false assertion, false statement, falsification, falsity, falsum, fiction, flam, fraud, fraudulence, inaccuracy, intentional… … Law dictionary
perjury — per·ju·ry / pər jə rē/ n pl ries [Anglo French perjurie parjurie, from Latin perjurium, from perjurus deliberately giving false testimony, from per detrimental to + jur jus law]: the act or crime of knowingly making a false statement (as about a… … Law dictionary