- Lex prospicit, non respicit
- The law looks forward, it is not retrospective.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
lex prospicit, non respicit — /leks pro(w)spasat, non respasat/ The law looks forward, not backward … Black's law dictionary
lex prospicit, non respicit — /leks pro(w)spasat, non respasat/ The law looks forward, not backward … Black's law dictionary
prospective — pro·spec·tive /prə spek tiv, prä ˌspek / adj 1: relating to or effective in the future a statute s prospective effect 2: likely to come about: expected to happen prospective inability to perform the contract 3: likely to be or become … Law dictionary