collateral attack on judgment

collateral attack on judgment
See collateral attack.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • collateral attack — see attack Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. collateral attack n …   Law dictionary

  • collateral attack — Attempting to impeach or challenging the integrity of ajudgment, decree, or order in an action or proceeding other than that in which the judgment, decree, or order was rendered, other than by appeal from, or review of, the judgment, decree, or… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • collateral — col·lat·er·al 1 /kə la tə rəl, la trəl/ adj 1 a: accompanying as a secondary fact, activity, or agency but subordinate to a main consideration b: not directly relevant or material a collateral evidentiary matter a collateral issue 2: belonging to …   Law dictionary

  • attack — at·tack n: an attempt to prove something invalid or incorrect esp. through judicial procedures made an attack on the will as not properly witnessed; specif: an attempt to have the judgment of a court corrected or overruled collateral attack: an… …   Law dictionary

  • judgment — judg·ment also judge·ment / jəj mənt/ n 1 a: a formal decision or determination on a matter or case by a court; esp: final judgment in this entry compare dictum, disposition …   Law dictionary

  • collateral — /kalaetsral/ Property which is pledged as security for the satisfaction of a debt. Collateral is additional security for performance of principal obligation, or that which is by the side, and not in direct line. Shaffer v. Davidson, Wyo., 445… …   Black's law dictionary

  • collateral — /kalaetsral/ Property which is pledged as security for the satisfaction of a debt. Collateral is additional security for performance of principal obligation, or that which is by the side, and not in direct line. Shaffer v. Davidson, Wyo., 445… …   Black's law dictionary

  • collateral proceeding — An action or proceeding wherein a judgment is attacked collaterally, that is, without seeking directly the overturning of the judgment. Alford v Guffy (Ky) 115 SW 216, 217. See collateral attack …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • conclusiveness of judgment — Verity, finality, and binding effect. 30A Am J Rev ed Judgm § 311. A judgment or an equivalent order is final and conclusive when it terminates a matter in such a way as to end it and to preclude all further inquiry concerning the truth thereof.… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • direct attack — A direct attack on a judgment or decree is an attempt, for sufficient cause, to have it annulled, reversed, vacated, corrected, declared void, or enjoined, in a proceeding instituted for that specific purpose, such as an appeal, writ of error,… …   Black's law dictionary

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