Receiptor — Re*ceipt or (r[ e]*s[=e]t [ e]r), n. One who receipts; specifically (Law), one who receipts for property which has been taken by the sheriff. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
receiptor — ☆ receiptor [ri sēt′ər ] n. 1. a person who receipts 2. Law a person who receipts as bailee for attached property … English World dictionary
receiptor — /ri see teuhr/, n. 1. a person who receipts. 2. Law. a person to whom attached property is delivered for safekeeping in return for a bond to produce it when the litigation ends. [1805 15, Amer.; RECEIPT + OR2] * * * … Universalium
receiptor — n. receiver of property or assets … English contemporary dictionary
receiptor — re·ceipt·or … English syllables
receiptor — A name formerly given in some of the states to a person who received from the sheriff goods which the latter had seized under process of garnishment, on giving to the sheriff a bond conditioned to have the property forthcoming when demanded, or… … Black's law dictionary
receiptor — sēd.ə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: receipt (II) + or : one that receipts for property taken by a sheriff and agrees to return it upon demand … Useful english dictionary
acceptance — The actual or implied receipt and retention of thin which is tendered or offered. A receipt alone does not amount to all acceptance, but anything done by the receiptor as owner is evidence of all acceptance. Patterson & Holden v Sargent, 83 Vt… … Ballentine's law dictionary
accountable receipt — A receipt in writing in which the receiptor not only admits receiving the money paid or goods delivered to him, but also acknowledges his undertaking to make payment or delivery thereof, or a part thereof, to a third party … Ballentine's law dictionary