officer de jure
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officer — Person holding office of trust, command or authority in corporation, government, armed services, or other institution or organization. In corporations, a person charged with important functions of management such as president, vice president,… … Black's law dictionary
de jure — de ju·re /dē ju̇r ē, dā yu̇r ā/ adv or adj [Medieval Latin, literally, from the law] 1: by right: of right a de jure officer 2: in accordance with law see also de jure segregation at … Law dictionary
public officer — An incumbent of a public office invested with certain powers and charged with certain duties pertinent to sovereignty. State ex rel. Newman v Skinner, 128 Ohio St 325, 191 NE 127, 93 ALR 331. Such an officer as is required by law to be elected or … Ballentine's law dictionary
de facto corporate officer — An officer of a corporation in possession of, and exercising the powers of, the office under the claim and color of an election or appointment, although he is not an officer de jure and may be removed by proper proceedings. 19 Am J2d Corp § 1100 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Bylaw enforcement officer — patch from City of Delta, BC A bylaw enforcement officer is a law enforcement employee of a municipality, county or regional district, charged with the enforcement of non criminal bylaws, rules, laws, codes or regulations enacted by local… … Wikipedia
legal officer — A de jure officer. Also inclusive, for some purposes, of a de facto officer. A person who actually obtains an office, with the legal indicia of title to that office is a legal officer until ousted. Hallgren v Campbell, 82 Mich 255, 46 NW 381 … Ballentine's law dictionary
de jure officer — A public officer who is in all respects legally appointed and qualified to exercise the office. 43 Am J1st Pub Of § 472; a person who has a lawful right to the office, but who has either been ousted from or has never actually taken possession of… … Ballentine's law dictionary
de jure justice of the peace — An officer who has the lawful right or title to the office of justice of the peace, with or without the possession of the office. 31 Am J Rev ed J P § 6 … Ballentine's law dictionary
justice de jure — An officer who has the lawful right or title to the office of justice of the peace, with or without the possession of the office. 31 Am J Rev ed J P § 6 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Malaybalay — City of Malaybalay Dakbayan sa Malaybalay Bukidnon provincial capitol … Wikipedia