- mental abstraction
- Want of awareness of one's surroundings, even of circumstances fraught with peril. 38 Am J1st Negl § 187.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
ABSTRACTION — ABSTRACTI Terme qui renvoie à tout au moins quatre significations, à la fois indépendantes les unes des autres et pourtant reliées par un jeu de correspondances profondes. Un sens premier du mot abstraction est le suivant: négliger toutes les… … Encyclopédie Universelle
abstraction — [ab strak′shən] n. [ME abstraccioun < LL abstractio: see ABSTRACT] 1. an abstracting or being abstracted; removal 2. formation of an idea, as of the qualities or properties of a thing, by mental separation from particular instances or material … English World dictionary
Abstraction (sociology) — Sociological Abstraction refers to the varying levels at which theoretical concepts can be understood. This idea is very similar to the philosophical understanding of abstraction. There are two basic levels of sociological abstraction:… … Wikipedia
abstraction — UK [æbˈstrækʃ(ə)n] / US [æbˈstrækʃən] noun Word forms abstraction : singular abstraction plural abstractions 1) [countable/uncountable] an idea or way of thinking that is not related to real situations or practical experiences a philosophical… … English dictionary
abstraction — abstractional, adj. /ab strak sheuhn/, n. 1. an abstract or general idea or term. 2. the act of considering something as a general quality or characteristic, apart from concrete realities, specific objects, or actual instances. 3. an impractical… … Universalium
abstraction — Synonyms and related words: Walter Mitty, ablation, abrasion, absence of mind, absentmindedness, absorption, abstract, abstract idea, abstractedness, abulia, alienation, altarpiece, analysis, annexation, anxiety, anxiety equivalent, anxiety state … Moby Thesaurus
abstraction — ab|strac|tion [ æb strækʃən ] noun 1. ) count or uncount an idea or way of thinking that is not related to real situations or practical experiences: a philosophical abstraction 2. ) uncount FORMAL an emotional or mental state that takes your… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
abstraction — 1. Distillation or separation of the volatile constituents of a substance. 2. Exclusive mental concentration. 3. The making of an abstract from the crude drug. 4. Malocclusion in which the teeth or associated structures are lower than their … Medical dictionary
Leaky abstraction — A leaky abstraction is a notion applied to implementations of an abstraction. This notion, attributed to software commentator Joel Spolsky, indicates that specific implementation details manifest themselves in some obstructive or counter… … Wikipedia
Mulla Sadra — (c. 979–1050/1571–1640) Sadr al Din Muhammad al Shirazi, more commonly known by his honorific title Mulla (‘Master’) Sadra, is without doubt the most important and influential of the modern Islamic philosophers. He studied with the great… … Islamic philosophy dictionary