interim receiver
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interim receiver — the official receiver may be appointed as interim receiver of the debtor s property until a trustee is appointed. Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001. interim receiver … Law dictionary
interim receiver — A person appointed by the Court to be a watchdog regarding the assets of a debtor during that time between the application to the Court for a Receiving Order and the time where the Receiving Order is handed down. An Interim Receiver may also be… … Glossary of Bankruptcy
receiver — re·ceiv·er /ri sē vər/ n 1: an officer charged with receiving tax payments or returns and other related duties (as the maintenance of tax rolls) 2: a person appointed by the court to hold in trust and administer property in litigation; esp: one… … Law dictionary
Receiver — A bankruptcy practitioner appointed by secured creditors in the United Kingdom to oversee the repayment of debts. The New York Times Financial Glossary * * * receiver re‧ceiv‧er [rɪˈsiːvə ǁ ər] noun [countable] 1. also official receiver … Financial and business terms
receiver — A bankruptcy practitioner appointed by secured creditors to oversee the repayment of debts. Bloomberg Financial Dictionary An official appointed to continue the day to day running of an insolvent business with a view to selling it as a going… … Financial and business terms
interim standard microwave landing system — A system designed to provide approach information similar to the ILS (instrument landing system) for aircraft on a final approach to a runway. It provides both lateral and vertical guidance, which is displayed on a conventional course deviation… … Aviation dictionary
Official Receiver — index assessor Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 official receiver … Law dictionary
Official Receiver — An officer of the Insolvency Service of the United Kingdom, the Official Receiver (OR) is an officer of the court to which he is attached. The OR is therefore answerable to the courts for carrying out the courts orders and for fulfilling his… … Wikipedia
Bankruptcy in Canada — The procedures and legal consequences of consumer bankruptcy in Canada are governed by Canadian federal legislation.OverviewConsumer bankruptcy is a legislative procedure under Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act ( the BIA ) *(1) complemented by… … Wikipedia
Commercial insolvency in Canada — A closed restaurant in Gananoque, Ontario Commercial insolvency in Canada has options and procedures that are distinct from those available in consumer insolvency proceedings. It is governed by the following statutes: The Bankruptcy and… … Wikipedia