habere facias seisinam — /habiriy feys(h)iyas siyzanam/ L. Lat. That you cause to have seisin. The writ of execution in real actions, directing the sheriff to cause the demandant to have seisin of the lands recovered. It was the proper process for giving seisin of a… … Black's law dictionary
habere facias seisinam — /habiriy feys(h)iyas siyzanam/ L. Lat. That you cause to have seisin. The writ of execution in real actions, directing the sheriff to cause the demandant to have seisin of the lands recovered. It was the proper process for giving seisin of a… … Black's law dictionary
habere facias seisinam — ˈsēzəˌnam noun Etymology: Medieval Latin, you should cause to have seisin : a common law writ formerly used in real actions to recover seisin … Useful english dictionary
rehabere facias scisinam — You cause him to have back his seisin, a writ which lay to compel a sheriff to repossess a plaintiff after the sheriff had seised the defendant of more land than he should under a habere facias seisinam … Ballentine's law dictionary
distringas — A writ of distress; a writ to enforce the attendance of jurors by distress of their goods or seizure of their persons; a proceeding in equity to enforce the obedience of a corporation to a summons; a form of execution. Whether the writ of… … Ballentine's law dictionary