domicil of child

domicil of child
See domicil by operation of law.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • domicil by operation of law — That domicil which the law attributes to a person independent of his own intention or selection. This results generally from the domestic relations of husband and wife or parent and child, the domicil of the wife or the child following that of… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • domicil of origin — The domicil assigned to a child at its birth. 25 Am J2d Dom § 13; Kowalski v Wojtkowski, 19 NJ 247, 116 A2d 6, 53 ALR2d 556. The domicil which a person acquires at birth, it being the domicil of his parents or of the person upon whom he is… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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  • domicilium originis — (Latin.) Domicil of origin; the domicil assigned to a child at his birth. 25 Am J2d Dom § 13. See domicil of origin …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • domicile — /dom euh suyl , seuhl, doh meuh /, n., v., domiciled, domiciling. n. 1. a place of residence; abode; house or home. 2. Law. a permanent legal residence. v.t. 3. to establish in a domicile. Also, domicil. [1470 80; < MF < L domicilium, perh. equiv …   Universalium

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