
The relationship which the law creates between an individual and a particular locality or country. The place where a person has his true fixed permanent home and principal establishment, and to which place he has, whenever he is absent, the intention of returning, and from which he has no present intention of moving. 25 Am J2d Dom § 1. In a particular context, it may be the same as residence. Anno: 12 ALR2d 759; 57 Am J1st Wills § 766. It is not exactly synonomous with residence. It is (1) the fact of residence and (2) the intention to remain. Ex parte Weissinger, 247 Ala 113, 22 So 2d 510; McIntosh v Maricopa County, 73 Ariz 366, 241 P2d 801, 31 ALR2d 770. A person may have his residence in one place and his domicil in another. Missouri Pacific R. Co. v Lawrence, 215 Ark 718, 223 SW2d 823, 12 ALR2d 748. He can have only one domicil at the same time, though he may have more than one residence. State v Allen, 48 W Va 154, 160, 35 SE 990. He who stops even for a long time in a place for the management of his affairs, has a simple habitation there, but has no domicil. Re Thompson (NY) 1 Wend 45. See change of domicil; commercial domicil; corporate domicil; domicil by operation of law; domicil of origin; floating intention; habitancy; habitation; home; loss of domicil; matrimonial domicil; national domicil; permanent abode; place of abode; place of usual abode; residence; settlement of a pauper; voluntary domicil.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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