- de annua pensione
- Of annual pension,–an old English writ to compel an abbot or prior to make payment of pension money due the king from the abbey or priory.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
writ de annua pensione — See annua pensione … Ballentine's law dictionary
annua pensione — /aenyuwa penshiyowniy/ An ancient writ to provide the king s chaplain, if he had no preferment, with a pension … Black's law dictionary
annua pensione — /aenyuwa penshiyowniy/ An ancient writ to provide the king s chaplain, if he had no preferment, with a pension … Black's law dictionary
de annua pensione — /diy xnyuwa penshiyowniy/ Breve. Writ of annual pension. An ancient writ by which the king, having a yearly pension due him out of an abbey or priory for any of his chaplains, demanded the same of the abbot or prior, for the person named in the… … Black's law dictionary
de annua pensione — /diy xnyuwa penshiyowniy/ Breve. Writ of annual pension. An ancient writ by which the king, having a yearly pension due him out of an abbey or priory for any of his chaplains, demanded the same of the abbot or prior, for the person named in the… … Black's law dictionary
PAULUS Jovius — Historicus scriptis celebris, sed qui venalem calamum Thuano l. 11. habere videtur. Comô Longobardus, primo Medicinam fecit, dein Episcopus Nucerinus a Clemente VII. factus, huius nihilominus, cum Comensem Episcopatum impetrare non posset,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
CELLARIENSES Species — l. 32. Cod. Theodos. de erogat. milit. ann. Procuratores curiarum, annonarum et Cellariensium specierum gratiâ, quas in dignitatibus constituti, i. e. Rectores provinciarum et Comites solent accipere: nempe cum hi a Principibus in provincias… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale