covenant to stand seised to uses
- covenant to stand seised to uses
A covenant by which a man, seised of land, covenants in consideration of blood or marriage that he will stand seised of the same to the use of his child, wife, or kinsman, for life, in tail, or in fee. In such case, the statute of uses executed the estate at once for the beneficiary having thus acquired the use, the statute clothed him with possession, "by a kind of parliamentary magic." See 2 Bl Comm 338.
Ballentine's law dictionary.
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covenant to stand seised — A conveyance adapted to the case where a person seised of land in possession, reversion, or vested remainder, proposes to convey it to his wife, child, or kinsman. In its terms it consists of a covenant by him, in consideration of his natural… … Black's law dictionary
covenant to stand seised — A conveyance adapted to the case where a person seised of land in possession, reversion, or vested remainder, proposes to convey it to his wife, child, or kinsman. In its terms it consists of a covenant by him, in consideration of his natural… … Black's law dictionary
stand seised to the use of — Technical words proper to create a covenant to stand seised. 28 Am J2d Est § 348. See seised to uses … Ballentine's law dictionary
seised to uses — Holding title for the use or benefit of another. See covenant to stand seized to uses … Ballentine's law dictionary
standing — One s place in the community in the estimation of others; his relative position in social, commercial, or moral relations; his repute, grade, or rank. See reputation standing to sue doctrine status @ standing aside jurors A practice by which, on… … Black's law dictionary
grant — Noun: A conveyance or transfer of real property, especially of public lands. The conferring of something by one person upon another. Nicholas & Co. v United States, 249 US 34, 39, 63 L Ed 461, 465, 39 S Ct 218. As the term appears in a treaty:… … Ballentine's law dictionary