coronary occlusion — n the partial or complete blocking (as by a thrombus, by spasm, or by sclerosis) of a coronary artery * * * coronary artery occlusion complete obstruction of one of the coronary arteries, usually from progressive atherosclerosis (sometimes… … Medical dictionary
Coronary occlusion — A coronary occlusion is the partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery. This condition may cause a heart attack. In some patients coronary occlusion causes only mild pain, tightness or vague discomfort which may be ignored … Wikipedia
coronary occlusion — noun occlusion of a coronary artery caused either by progressive atherosclerosis or by a blood clot • Hypernyms: ↑coronary heart disease, ↑occlusion … Useful english dictionary
coronary occlusion — noun Date: 1946 the partial or complete blocking (as by a thrombus, by spasm, or by sclerosis) of a coronary artery … New Collegiate Dictionary
coronary occlusion — Pathol. partial or total obstruction of a coronary artery, as by a thrombus, usually resulting in infarction of the myocardium. [1945 50] * * * … Universalium
coronary occlusion — cor′onary occlu′sion n. pat partial or total obstruction of a coronary artery • Etymology: 1945–50 … From formal English to slang
coronary occlusion — /ˌkɒrənri əˈkluʒən/ (say .koruhnree uh kloohzhuhn) noun → coronary thrombosis …
coronary thrombosis — ☆ coronary thrombosis n. [coined (1912) by J. B. Herrick (1861 1954), U.S. physician] the formation of a clot in a branch of either of the coronary arteries, resulting in obstruction of that artery: also called coronary occlusion … English World dictionary
occlusion — 1. The act of closing or the state of being closed. 2. In chemistry, the absorption of a gas by a metal or the inclusion of one substance within another (as in a gelatinous precipitate). 3. Any contact between the incising or masticating surfaces … Medical dictionary
occlusion — n. a coronary occlusion * * * [ə kluːʒ(ə)n] a coronary occlusion … Combinatory dictionary