contract of suretyship

contract of suretyship
See suretyship.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • SURETYSHIP — (Heb. עַרְבוּת), one person s undertaking to fulfill the obligation of another toward a third person (called the arev, ḥayyav, and nosheh, respectively). In Jewish law fulfillment of an obligation is secured primarily through the assets of the… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • contract — con·tract 1 / kän ˌtrakt/ n [Latin contractus from contrahere to draw together, enter into (a relationship or agreement), from com with, together + trahere to draw] 1: an agreement between two or more parties that creates in each party a duty to… …   Law dictionary

  • suretyship — The relationship among three parties whereby one person (the surety) guarantees payment of a debtor s debt owed to a creditor or acts as a co debtor. Generally speaking, the relation which exists where one person has undertaken an obligation and… …   Black's law dictionary

  • CONTRACT — (Heb. חוֹזֶה, ḥozeh), in general law theory a legally binding agreement between two or more parties, in terms of which one party undertakes for the benefit of the other to perform or refrain from a certain act. As such, contract is the main… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

  • contract — contractee, n. contractible, adj. contractibility, contractibleness, n. contractibly, adv. n., adj., and usu. for v. 16 18, 22, 23 /kon trakt/; otherwise v. /keuhn trakt /, n. 1. an agreement between two or more parties for the doing or not doing …   Universalium

  • suretyship — A contractual relation, resulting from a primary, original, absolute, and unconditional engagement, whereby one person, the surety, engages to be answerable for the debt, default, or miscarriage of another, the principal. Madison County Farmers… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • surety contract — A contract of suretyship. See suretyship …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • guaranty and suretyship — ▪ law       in law, assumption of liability for the obligations of another. In modern usage the term guaranty has largely superseded suretyship.       Legal historians identify suretyship with situations that are quite outside the modern… …   Universalium

  • South African contract law — is essentially a modernised version of the Roman Dutch law of contract, [1] which is itself rooted in Roman law. In the broadest definition, a contract is an agreement entered into by two or more parties with the serious intention of creating a… …   Wikipedia

  • principal and accessory contract — A contract is accessory when it is made to provide security for the performance of an obligation. Suretyship, mortgage, and pledge are examples of such a contract. When the secured obligation arises from a contract, either between the same or… …   Black's law dictionary

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