legislature — Broadly, any body having legislative power. One of the three branches of state government, the law making branch, usually consisting of two bodies, a senate and a house of representatives made up of members representing districts and elected… … Ballentine's law dictionary
contempt — con·tempt /kən tempt/ n 1: willful disobedience or open disrespect of the orders, authority, or dignity of a court or judge acting in a judicial capacity by disruptive language or conduct or by failure to obey the court s orders; also: the… … Law dictionary
Contempt of Congress — is the act of obstructing the work of the United States Congress or one of its committees. Historically the bribery of a senator or representative was considered contempt of Congress. In modern times, contempt of Congress has generally applied to … Wikipedia
Contempt toward officials — Contempt towards officials is addressed in the Punitive articles, specifically Article 88 of the U.S. Uniform Code of Military Justice in the Manual for Courts Martial (MCM), United States (2008 Edition) as follows: “ Any commissioned officer who … Wikipedia
contempt — [kən tempt′] n. [OFr < L contemptus, scorn, pp. of contemnere: see CONTEMN] 1. the feeling or attitude of one who looks down on somebody or something as being low, mean, or unworthy; scorn 2. the condition of being despised or scorned 3. the… … English World dictionary
Contempt of Parliament — In some countries, contempt of parliament is the offence of obstructing the legislature in the carrying out of its functions, or of hindering any legislator in the performance of his or her duties. The offence is known by various other names in… … Wikipedia
contempt — /kənˈtɛmpt / (say kuhn tempt) noun 1. the act of scorning or despising. 2. the feeling with which one regards anything considered mean, vile, or worthless. 3. the state of being despised; dishonour; disgrace. 4. Law a. disobedience to, or open… …
criminal contempt — noun an act of disrespect that impedes the administration of justice • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑contempt of court * * * noun 1. : contempt that is committed in the presence of a court in session or a judge acting in a judicial… … Useful english dictionary
Congress of the United States — Legislature of the U.S., separated structurally from the executive and judicial (see judiciary) branches of government. Established by the Constitution of the United States, it succeeded the unicameral congress created by the Articles of… … Universalium
United States Congress — For the current Congress, see 112th United States Congress. United States Congress 112th United States Congress … Wikipedia