constructive service of process

constructive service of process
Service of process by publication, posting, mail, or any method of service other than personal. 42 Am J1st Proc § 57. The term is also applied in some jurisdictions to service by leaving a copy of the process at the usual place of abode of the person to be served, but in other jurisdictions such service is regarded as personal service. 42 Am J1st Proc § 60.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • service of process — The service of writs, complaints, summonses, etc., signifies the delivering to or leaving them with the party to whom or with whom they ought to be delivered or left; and, when they are so delivered, they are then said to have been served. In the …   Black's law dictionary

  • service — ser·vice 1 n 1: the act of delivering to or informing someone of a writ, summons, or other notice as prescribed by law after service of process see also notice by publication at notice, s …   Law dictionary

  • process — A series of actions, motions, or occurrences; progressive act or transaction; continuous operation; method, mode or operation, whereby a result or effect is produced; normal or actual course of procedure; regular proceeding, as, the process of… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • service by publication — n. Publication of a summons or other document as an advertisement in a newspaper named by the court, used in cases where the defendant cannot be found. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… …   Law dictionary

  • actual service — Personal service, as distinguished from service by publication or some other form of constructive service of process. 42 Am J1st Proc § 46. The typical example of actual or personal service is that of reading the process to the person to be… …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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  • personal service — n 1: a service based on the intellectual or manual efforts of an individual (as for salary or wages) rather than a salable product of his or her skills 2: physical delivery of process to a person to whom it is directed or to someone authorized to …   Law dictionary

  • due process of law — Law in its regular course of administration through courts of justice. Due process of law in each particular case means such an exercise of the powers of the government as the settled maxims of law permit and sanction, and under such safeguards… …   Black's law dictionary

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