- Consentientes et agentes pari poena plectentur
- Persons who consent and those who act are subject to the same penalties.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
consentientes et agentes pari poena plectentur — /kansenshiyentiyz et ajentiyz paeriy piyna plektentar/ They who consent to an act, and they who do it, shall be visited with equal punishment … Black's law dictionary
consentientes et agentes pari poena plectentur — /kansenshiyentiyz et ajentiyz paeriy piyna plektentar/ They who consent to an act, and they who do it, shall be visited with equal punishment … Black's law dictionary
agentes et consentientes pari poena plectentur — /ajentiyz at ksnsenshiyentiyz peray piyns plektentsr/ Acting and consenting parties are liable to the same punishment … Black's law dictionary
agentes et consentientes pari poena plectentur — /ajentiyz at ksnsenshiyentiyz peray piyns plektentsr/ Acting and consenting parties are liable to the same punishment … Black's law dictionary
consent — con·sent n 1 a: compliance in or approval of what is done or proposed by another; specif: the voluntary agreement or acquiescence by a person of age or with requisite mental capacity who is not under duress or coercion and usu. who has knowledge… … Law dictionary