common law marriage — in the USA, some states still accept that marriage can take place without statutory formalities. To operate, there must be a present agreement to marry, cohabitation in fact and representation by the parties to the community that they are married … Law dictionary
common-law marriage — A union of two people not formalized in the customary manner as prescribed by law but created by an agreement to marry followed by cohabitation. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. common law marriage … Law dictionary
common–law marriage — n: a marriage that is without a ceremony and is based on the parties agreement to consider themselves married and usu. also on their cohabitation for a period and their public recognition of the marriage compare concubinage ◇ Most jurisdictions… … Law dictionary
common-law marriage — [käm′ən lô′] n. Law a marriage not solemnized by religious or civil ceremony but effected by agreement to live together as husband and wife and, usually, by the fact of such cohabitation … English World dictionary
Common-law marriage — Family law Entering into marria … Wikipedia
Common-law marriage — Mariage en common law Un mariage en common law est une forme de mariage que l on rencontre dans certains pays anglo saxons. Parfois appelé « mariage de facto », il consiste en un mariage informel, résultant du concubinage et de sa… … Wikipédia en Français
Common law marriage — Mariage en common law Un mariage en common law est une forme de mariage que l on rencontre dans certains pays anglo saxons. Parfois appelé « mariage de facto », il consiste en un mariage informel, résultant du concubinage et de sa… … Wikipédia en Français
common-law marriage — a marriage without a civil or ecclesiastical ceremony, generally resulting from an agreement to marry followed by the couple s living together as husband and wife. [1905 10] * * * Marriage that is without a civil or religious ceremony and is… … Universalium
common-law marriage — noun a marriage relationship created by agreement and cohabitation rather than by ceremony • Topics: ↑law, ↑jurisprudence • Hypernyms: ↑marriage, ↑matrimony, ↑union, ↑spousal relationship, ↑wedlock * * … Useful english dictionary
Common-law marriage — El Common law marriage (Matrimonio de Derecho consuetudinario) (también llamado en inglés common law marriage, informal marriage o marriage by habit and repute) es una forma de estatus interpersonal, en algunos países anglosajones, en el que un… … Wikipedia Español