- commodatum bailment
- The gratuitous loaning of personal property to be used by the bailee and returned in specie. Lowney v Knott, 85 RI 505, 120 A2d 552, 57 ALR2d 1036.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
bailment — bail·ment / bāl mənt/ n [Anglo French bayllment, from bailler to hand over see bail]: the transfer of possession but not ownership of personal property (as goods) for a limited time or specified purpose (as transportation) such that the… … Law dictionary
commodatum — com·mo·da·tum /ˌkä mə dā təm, ˌkō mō dä tu̇m/ n [Latin, loan, from neuter of commodatus, past participle of commodare to lend, bestow]: a gratuitous loan of movable property to be used and returned by the borrower: loan for use at loan compare… … Law dictionary
Law of bailment (England und Wales) — Als law of bailment wird im Recht von England und Wales ein Rechtsgebiet bezeichnet, das sich mit der Konstellation beschäftigt, dass eine Person (der bailee) willentlich possession ( ‚Besitz‘) an einer Sache hat, an dem einem anderen (dem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Detinue — Tort law Part of the … Wikipedia
Coggs v Bernard — Court King s Bench Citation(s) (1703) 2 Ld Raym 909, 92 ER 107 Judge(s) sitting Lord Holt CJ, Powys J, Gould J and Powell J … Wikipedia
loan — A lending. Delivery by one party to and receipt by another party of sum of money upon agreement, express or implied, to repay it with or without interest. Boerner v. Colwell Co., 21 Cal.Sd 37, 145 Cal.Rptr. 380, 384, 577 P.2d 200. Anything… … Black's law dictionary
loan — A lending. Delivery by one party to and receipt by another party of sum of money upon agreement, express or implied, to repay it with or without interest. Boerner v. Colwell Co., 21 Cal.Sd 37, 145 Cal.Rptr. 380, 384, 577 P.2d 200. Anything… … Black's law dictionary
loan — n 1 a: money lent at interest b: something lent usu. for the borrower s temporary use 2: a transfer or delivery of money from one party to another with the express or implied agreement that the sum will be repaid regardless of contingency and usu … Law dictionary