comitia curiata

comitia curiata
A Roman assembly which was composed of thirty patricians.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • comitia curiata — /kū ri āˈtə or koo ri äˈta/ plural noun That of the patricians, voting by curiae • • • Main Entry: ↑comitia …   Useful english dictionary

  • CURIATA Comitia — in quibus populus Curiatim suffragium ferebat, hoc est, in quibus populi per Curias divisi Sententia rogabatur, ut quod plures eatum statuissent, id ipsum populi iussum esse diceretur. De iis sic A. Gellius, l. 15. c. 27. In eodem libro scriptum… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

  • Comitia — (lateinischer Plural von Comitium, „Versammlungsort“) war im antiken Rom die Bezeichnung für eine Volksversammlung. In diesen Versammlungen (deutsch: Komitien) wurde das Ergebnis einer Wahl oder Abstimmung nicht aufgrund einzelner Stimmen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Comitia — Co*mi ti*a, n. pl. [L.] (Rom. Antiq.) A public assembly of the Roman people for electing officers or passing laws. [1913 Webster] Note: There were three kinds of comitia: comitia curiata, or assembly of the patricians, who voted in curi[ae];… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Comitĭa — (Comitien, röm. Ant.), 1) in Rom feierliche, ordnungsmäßig zusammenberufene Versammlungen des Volkes, um theils, auf Grund religiöser Institutionen von den Priestern getroffene Anordnungen anzuhören, theils über politische u., echtliche, innere u …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • comitia — comitial /keuh mish euhl/, adj. /keuh mish ee euh/, n. Rom. Hist. an assembly of the people convened to pass on laws, nominate magistrates, etc. [1615 25; < L, pl. of comitium assembly, equiv. to com COM + it , n. deriv. of ire to go (cf. COMES)… …   Universalium

  • comitia — /kamish(iy)a/ In Roman law, an assembly, either (1) of the Roman curiae, in which case it was called the comitia curiata vel calata ; or (2) of the Roman centuries, in which case it was called the comitia centuriata (called also comitia majora);… …   Black's law dictionary

  • comitia — /kamish(iy)a/ In Roman law, an assembly, either (1) of the Roman curiae, in which case it was called the comitia curiata vel calata ; or (2) of the Roman centuries, in which case it was called the comitia centuriata (called also comitia majora);… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Comitia Centuriata — Ancient Roman military assembly, instituted с 450 BC. It decided on war and peace, passed laws, elected consuls, praetors, and censors, and considered appeals of capital convictions. Unlike the older patrician Comitia Curiata, it included… …   Universalium

  • COMITIA — orum, plural. numer. conventus populi ad creandos magistratus, leges ferendas, et alia cum populo agenda, a comeundo appellata, ita enim veteres loquebantur, vel a coeundo. Leguntur autem Comitia Consularia, Praetoria, Quaestoria, Tribunitia,… …   Hofmann J. Lexicon universale

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