Old Settlers' Association — The Old Settlers Association was founded in 1866 by a group of men in Omaha, Nebraska. Membership in the organization was exclusive to settlers who were in the city before 1858. Omaha was founded in 1854.[1] Omaha s Old Settlers Association was… … Wikipedia
Preemption — Pre*[ e]mp tion (?; 215), n. [Pref. pre + emption: cf. F. pr[ e]emption. See {Redeem}.] The act or right of purchasing before others. Specifically: (a) The privilege or prerogative formerly enjoyed by the king of buying provisions for his… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
preemption — noun Etymology: Medieval Latin praeemption , praeemptio previous purchase, from praeemere to buy before, from Latin prae pre + emere to buy more at redeem Date: 1602 1. a. the right of purchasing before others; especially one given by the… … New Collegiate Dictionary
район преимущественного права покупки (земельного участка) — — [http://www.eionet.europa.eu/gemet/alphabetic?langcode=en] EN pre emption zone Areas that are subject to the pre emption right which is a privilege accorded by the government to the actual settler upon a certain limited portion of the… … Справочник технического переводчика
earth / land — (TERRE) by John Protevi As part of what Deleuze and Guattari come to call a geophilosophy in What is Philosophy?, in A Thousand Plateaus earth along with ground (sol) and territory (territoire) express manners of occupying terrestrial space… … The Deleuze dictionary
preemption — /priyem(p)shan/ Doctrine adopted by U.S. Supreme Court holding that certain matters are of such a national, as opposed to local, character that federal laws preempt or take precedence over state laws. As such, a state may not pass a law… … Black's law dictionary
earth / land — (TERRE) by John Protevi As part of what Deleuze and Guattari come to call a geophilosophy in What is Philosophy?, in A Thousand Plateaus earth along with ground (sol) and territory (territoire) express manners of occupying terrestrial space… … The Deleuze dictionary
Israel — /iz ree euhl, ray /, n. 1. a republic in SW Asia, on the Mediterranean: formed as a Jewish state May 1948. 5,534,672; 7984 sq. mi. (20,679 sq. km). Cap.: Jerusalem. 2. the people traditionally descended from Jacob; the Hebrew or Jewish people. 3 … Universalium
Sierra Leone Creole people — infobox ethnic group group = The Sierra Leone Creole poptime =339,917 5.4% of Sierra Leone s populationFamous Sierra Leoneans from the Krio ethnic group: Monty Jones, Valentine Strasser, Adelaide Casely Hayford, Andrew Juxon Smith, Herbert George … Wikipedia
Algeria — /al jear ee euh/, n. a republic in NW Africa: formerly comprised 13 departments of France; gained independence 1962. 29,830,370; 919,352 sq. mi. (2,381,122 sq. km). Cap.: Algiers. * * * Algeria Introduction Algeria Background: After a century of… … Universalium