certificate of public convenience and necessity

certificate of public convenience and necessity
A certificate from a public service commission as a prerequisite to the construction or extension of a public utility plant or system. 43 Am J1st Pub Util § 198; a certificate, issued by the appropriate regulatory commission to a common carrier by motor vehicle, which confers the privilege of operating upon the public highway, sometimes regarded as a rebuttable license, but in other states deemed to be a definite economic asset, and a franchise. 13 Am J2d Car § 78; a certificate issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission evidencing its permission to the holder thereof to operate as a common carrier between named points in different states upon the conditions and in the manner set forth in the certificate. Inland Motor Freight v United States (DC Idaho) 36 F Supp 885.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • public convenience and necessity — The common criterion used in public utility matters when a board or agency is faced with a petition for action at the request of the utility. In a statute requiring the issuance of a certificate of public convenience and necessity by the Public… …   Black's law dictionary

  • certificate of convenience and necessity — certificate of con·ve·nience and necessity: a certificate issued by an agency granting a company authority to operate a public service esp. as a utility or transportation company Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

  • certificate of convenience and necessity — a certificate from a public board or commission required by federal or state statute before engaging in certain public undertakings or services to protect existing franchises against injurious competition …   Useful english dictionary

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  • certificate — /sartifakat/ A written assurance, or official representation, that some act has or has not been done, or some event occurred, or some legal formality has been complied with. A written assurance made or issuing from some court, and designed as a… …   Black's law dictionary

  • certificate — /sartifakat/ A written assurance, or official representation, that some act has or has not been done, or some event occurred, or some legal formality has been complied with. A written assurance made or issuing from some court, and designed as a… …   Black's law dictionary

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  • necessity — Controlling force; irresistible compulsion; a power or impulse so great that it admits no choice of conduct. That which makes the contrary of a thing impossible. The quality or state of being necessary, in its primary sense signifying that which… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Certificate —   A type of permit for public convenience and necessity issued by a utility commission, which authorizes a utility or regulated company to engage in business, construct facilities, provide some services, or abandon service.   U.S. Dept. of Energy …   Energy terms

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