action of covenant
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action of covenant — One of the old common law forms of action by which the plaintiff claimed damages for breach of a covenant, that is, a contract under seal. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005 … Law dictionary
Covenant (law) — Property law Part of … Wikipedia
covenant not to sue — A covenant by one who has a right of action at the time of making it against another person, by which he agrees not to sue to enforce such right of action. Such covenant does not extinguish a cause of action and does not release other joint tort… … Black's law dictionary
covenant not to sue — A covenant by one who has a right of action at the time of making it against another person, by which he agrees not to sue to enforce such right of action. Such covenant does not extinguish a cause of action and does not release other joint tort… … Black's law dictionary
Action of assumpsit — Als assumpsit oder action of assumpsit bezeichnet man im englischen Recht eine frühere Klageart auf Schadensersatz (damages) bei Nichterfüllung des Vertrages. Geschichte Ursprünglich kannte das aktionenrechtliche, englische Recht keine Klage bei… … Deutsch Wikipedia
covenant — cov·e·nant / kə və nənt/ n 1: an official agreement or compact an international covenant on human rights 2 a: a contract in its entirety or a promise within a contract for the performance or nonperformance of a particular act a covenant not to… … Law dictionary
covenant, action of — One of the old common law forms of action by which the plaintiff claimed damages for breach of a covenant, that is, a contract under seal. Dictionary from West s Encyclopedia of American Law. 2005. coven … Law dictionary
COVENANT — COVENA Terme désignant une forme typique de la vie politique et religieuse écossaise qui réapparut dans la première moitié du XVIIe siècle, alors que l’engagement pris par les nobles écossais en 1557 en l’absence de John Knox et en un temps où la … Encyclopédie Universelle
Covenant — Cov e*nant (k?v ? nant), n. [OF. covenant, fr. F. & OF. convenir to agree, L. convenire. See {Convene}.] [1913 Webster] 1. A mutual agreement of two or more persons or parties, or one of the stipulations in such an agreement. [1913 Webster] Then… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Covenant of Mayors — The Covenant of Mayors [1] is a European cooperation movement involving local and regional authorities. Signatories of the Covenant of Mayors voluntarily commit to increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources on their… … Wikipedia