capias ad audiendum judicium

capias ad audiendum judicium
A writ issued to bring a defendant found guilty of a misdemeanor before the court to receive sentence. See 4 Bl Comm 375.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • capias ad audiendum judicium — /keypiyas aed odiyendam juwdish(iy)am/ A writ issued, in a case of misdemeanor, after the defendant has appeared and is found guilty, to bring him to hear judgment if he is not present when called …   Black's law dictionary

  • capias ad audiendum judicium — /keypiyas aed odiyendam juwdish(iy)am/ A writ issued, in a case of misdemeanor, after the defendant has appeared and is found guilty, to bring him to hear judgment if he is not present when called …   Black's law dictionary

  • ad audiendum judicium — See capias ad audiendum, etc …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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