- actio exercitoria
- A civil law action against a shipowner on a contract for freightage made by the owner's slave as captain of the ship.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
actio exercitoria — /aekshiyow egzarsatoriya/ An action against the exercitor or employer of a vessel … Black's law dictionary
actio exercitoria — /aekshiyow egzarsatoriya/ An action against the exercitor or employer of a vessel … Black's law dictionary
Actio — (lat.), 1) Handlung, Bewegung; 2) (Rechtsw.), Forderung, u. Handlung, um eine Forderung im Proceßwege selbständig geltend zu machen, daher das Jus actionum, nach dem System der altrömischen Juristen, mit den Obligationen, als Recht der… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
exercitoria actio — /agzarsstoriya aeksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, an action which lay against the employer of a vessel (exercitor navis) for the contracts made by the master … Black's law dictionary
exercitoria actio — /agzarsstoriya aeksh(iy)ow/ In the civil law, an action which lay against the employer of a vessel (exercitor navis) for the contracts made by the master … Black's law dictionary
Roman Law — Roman Law † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Roman Law In the following article this subject is briefly treated under the two heads of; I. Principles; II. History. Of these two divisions, I is subdivided into: A. Persons; B. Things; C. Actions … Catholic encyclopedia
Торговое право — в широком смысле обнимает всю совокупность норм, регулирующих торговлю: государственных, полицейских, международных и частных. В тесном и обычном смысле слова под Т. правом разумеют нормы, регулирующие положение в гражданском быту и отношении как … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Magister navis — (lat., »Schiffskapitän«), bei den Römern eine privatrechtlich besonders wichtige Stellung; denn für die Schulden, die ein solcher für Schiffahrtszwecke kontrahiert hatte, mußte der Schiffseigentümer (exercitor) voll aufkommen. Diese konnte von… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
ejercitoria — /eyhersiytoriya/ In Spanish law, the name of an action lying against a ship s owner, upon the contracts or obligations made by the master for repairs or supplies. It corresponds to the actio exercitoria of the Roman law … Black's law dictionary
ejercitoria — /eyhersiytoriya/ In Spanish law, the name of an action lying against a ship s owner, upon the contracts or obligations made by the master for repairs or supplies. It corresponds to the actio exercitoria of the Roman law … Black's law dictionary