- brevibus et rotulis liberandis
- A writ ordering a sheriff to turn over all the paraphernalia of his office to his successor.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
brevibus et rotulis liberandis — /briyvabas et rotyalas libaraendas/ A writ or mandate to a sheriff to deliver to his successor, the county, and appurtenances, with the rolls, briefs, remembrance, and all other things belonging to his office … Black's law dictionary
brevibus et rotulis liberandis — /briyvabas et rotyalas libaraendas/ A writ or mandate to a sheriff to deliver to his successor, the county, and appurtenances, with the rolls, briefs, remembrance, and all other things belonging to his office … Black's law dictionary