breve testatum
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breve testatum — /briyv(iy) testeytam/ A written memorandum introduced to perpetuate the tenor of the conveyance and investiture of lands. 2 Bl.Comm. 307 … Black's law dictionary
breve testatum — /briyv(iy) testeytam/ A written memorandum introduced to perpetuate the tenor of the conveyance and investiture of lands. 2 Bl.Comm. 307 … Black's law dictionary
Karlsbad — Karlsbad, Stadt in Böhmen, 379 m ü. M., an der Tepl unfern ihrer Mündung in die Eger, in einem engen, romantischen, von bewaldeten Bergen umschlossenen Tal, an den Linien Prag Eger der Buschtěhrader Eisenbahn, Marienbad K. und K.… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
GYMNASTICA — Graece Γυμναςτικὴ, Latin. Ars exercitatoria, finitore Galeno l. ad Thras. ἐπιςτήμη ἐςτὶ τῆς εν πᾶσι γυμνασίοις δυν´αμεως, quoe omnium exercitationnum facultates novit. Mercuriali est Facultas quaedam omnium exercitationum facultates contemplans,… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale