Blunt instrument — is a legal description of a weapon used to hit someone, which does not have a sharp or penetrating point or edge. Their effect is usually blunt force trauma, to stun, or to break bones. They sometimes kill. Some sorts of blunt instruments are… … Wikipedia
blunt instrument — noun Any heavy object used as a weapon • • • Main Entry: ↑blunt … Useful english dictionary
blunt instrument — noun count 1. ) any heavy object with a flat or round end, used as a weapon 2. ) a method that uses too much force, so that, in achieving your aim, it also causes some harm or trouble … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
blunt instrument — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms blunt instrument : singular blunt instrument plural blunt instruments 1) any heavy object with a flat or round end, used as a weapon 2) a method that uses too much force, so that, in achieving your aim, it also … English dictionary
blunt instrument — noun a heavy object without a sharp edge or point, used as a weapon. ↘an imprecise or heavy handed way of doing something … English new terms dictionary
instrument — in·stru·ment n 1: a means or implement by which something is achieved, performed, or furthered an instrument of crime 2: a document (as a deed, will, bond, note, certificate of deposit, insurance policy, warrant, or writ) evidencing rights or… … Law dictionary
instrument — noun 1 tool for a particular task ADJECTIVE ▪ precision, sensitive ▪ sophisticated ▪ reliable ▪ crude ▪ blunt … Collocations dictionary
blunt — blunt1 [blʌnt] adj [Date: 1200 1300; Origin: Perhaps from Old Norse blundr sleeping ] 1.) not sharp or pointed ≠ ↑sharp ▪ Sharpen all your blunt knives. ▪ a blunt pencil 2.) speaking in an honest way even if this upsets people →↑bluntly … Dictionary of contemporary English
blunt — 01. The victim was hit over the head with a [blunt] instrument of some kind. 02. The hunter clubbed the dying animal over the head with the [blunt] end of his spear. 03. My boss was very [blunt] in saying that he didn t think I was doing a very… … Grammatical examples in English
instrument — in|stru|ment W2 [ˈınstrumənt] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(tool)¦ 2¦(music)¦ 3¦(for measuring)¦ 4¦(method)¦ 5¦(for hurting)¦ 6 instrument of fate/God ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ [Date: 1200 1300; : Latin; Origin: instrumentum, from instruere; INSTRUCT … Dictionary of contemporary English