bill in chancery

bill in chancery
Same as bill in equity.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Chancery (medieval office) — Chancery is a general term for a medieval writing office, responsible for the production of official documents.[1] The title of chancellor, for the head of the office, came to be held by important ministers in a number of states, and remains the… …   Wikipedia

  • Chancery Amendment Act 1858 — Chancery Amendment Act, 1858 Parliament of the United Kingdom Long title An Act to amend the course of procedure in the High Court of Chancery, the Court of Chancery in Ireland, and the Court of Chancery of the county palatine of Lancaster …   Wikipedia

  • Chancery Regulation Act 1862 — United Kingdom Parliament Long title An Act to regulate the Procedure in the High Court of Chancery and the Court of Chancery of the County Palatine of Lancaster Statute book …   Wikipedia

  • bill — As a legal term, this word has many meanings and applications, the most important of which are set forth below: Bill of Rights. A formal and emphatic legislative assertion and declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a …   Black's law dictionary

  • bill — As a legal term, this word has many meanings and applications, the most important of which are set forth below: Bill of Rights. A formal and emphatic legislative assertion and declaration of popular rights and liberties usually promulgated upon a …   Black's law dictionary

  • Chancery hand — English chancery hand. Facsimile letter from Henry V of England, 1418 …   Wikipedia

  • bill taken pro confesso — In equity practice, an order which the court of chancery makes when the defendant does not file an answer, that the plaintiff may take such a decree as the case made by his bill warrants …   Black's law dictionary

  • bill taken pro confesso — In equity practice, an order which the court of chancery makes when the defendant does not file an answer, that the plaintiff may take such a decree as the case made by his bill warrants …   Black's law dictionary

  • bill of peace — A bill filed to procure repose from repeated litigation and one of the earliest instances in which chancery courts entertained jurisdiction on the ground of preventing a multiplicity of suits. 19 Am J1st Eq § 81. See quieting title …   Ballentine's law dictionary

  • information in chancery — A bill in chancery filed in behalf of the crown. For all practical purposes in modern times, the same as a bill in equity, although at one time distinguishable from an ordinary bill in equity in the regard that, since filed on behalf of the crown …   Ballentine's law dictionary

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