
A woman of single status because of the death of her husband. A woman who survives the man to whom she was married at the time of his death. Meeker v Draffen, 201 NY 205, 94 NE 626. A woman whose husband has died and who has not married again. Re McArthur, 210 Cal 439, 292 P 469, 72 ALR 1318. The word means a woman who has lost her husband by death, and has no application to a divorced woman. O'Malley v O'Malley, 46 Mont 549, 129 P 501. There is authority which holds that the term, as used in some statutes, may be applied to a woman in respect of her deceased husband, although she has remarried since his death. Re McArthur, 210 Cal 439, 292 P 469, 72 ALR 1318. The right of action for wrongful death given by statute for the benefit of a widow for the death of her husband is not divested by her subsequent marriage. 22 Am J2d Dth § 67. The right of the widow of an insured to the balance due under a national service life insurance policy after the death of the named insured, under a statutory provision giving the "widow" a preference over brothers and sisters of the insured, is not barred by her remarriage. Riley v United States (CA4 W Va) 212 F2d 692. 44 ALR2d 1182. As to meaning of term under the Federal Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, see Anne: 98 L Ed 740.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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