- wharfage
- Same as dockage.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
wharfage — UK US /ˈwɔːfɪdʒ/ noun [U] TRANSPORT ► a charge for using a wharf: »Certain goods may be exempted from import duty, wharfage, and freight charge. ► the use of a wharf for putting goods on and taking goods off a ship … Financial and business terms
Wharfage — Wharf age, n. [1913 Webster] 1. The fee or duty paid for the privilege of using a wharf for loading or unloading goods; pierage, collectively; quayage. [1913 Webster] 2. A wharf or wharfs, collectively; wharfing. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
wharfage — [hwôr′fij, wôr′fij] n. 1. the use of a wharf for mooring, loading, or unloading a ship, or for storing goods 2. a fee charged for this 3. wharves collectively … English World dictionary
wharfage — /hwawr fij, wawr /, n. 1. the use of a wharf: to charge higher rates for wharfage. 2. storage of goods at a wharf: conditions that make wharfage hazardous. 3. the charge or payment for the use of a wharf: to pay one s wharfage monthly. 4. wharves … Universalium
wharfage — noun a) A dock; quay; or pier If the owner of goods deposited at a wharf sells them, and gives notice to the wharfinger of such sale, on tendering the wharfage then due, he is discharged from liability for future wharfage. b) A fee charged for… … Wiktionary
wharfage lien — A maritime lien for wharfage or dockage, arising where the contract was made by a person having authority to pledge the vessel for performance of the contract and the course of dealing or circumstances of the transaction are not inconsistent with … Ballentine's law dictionary
wharfage — noun Date: 14th century 1. a. the provision or the use of a wharf b. the handling or stowing of goods on a wharf 2. the charge for the use of a wharf 3. the wharf accommodations of a place ; wharves … New Collegiate Dictionary
wharfage — wharf·age || hwÉ”rfɪdÊ’ /wÉ”Ëf n. payment for use of wharf; use of a wharf … English contemporary dictionary
wharfage — noun accommodation provided at a wharf for the loading, unloading, or storage of goods … English new terms dictionary
wharfage — The charge made by a wharfinger for the use of a wharf for loading or unloading cargo onto or from a ship … Big dictionary of business and management
wharfage — wharf·age … English syllables