Vulgate Edition

Vulgate Edition
An edition of the Year Books, otherwise known as the Folio Edition or Edition of 1679. See Year Books.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Vulgate — This article is about the 4th century translation of the Bible. For the Arthurian Vulgate Cycle, see Lancelot Grail Cycle. Part of a series on The Bible …   Wikipedia

  • Vulgate — [vul′gāt΄, vul′git] n. [ML vulgata (editio), popular (edition) < L vulgatus, common, usual, orig. pp. of vulgare, to make common < vulgus: see VULGAR] 1. a Latin version of the Bible prepared by St. Jerome in the 4th cent., authorized as… …   English World dictionary

  • Vulgate — c.1600, Latin translation of the Bible, especially that completed in 405 by St. Jerome (c.340 420), from M.L. Vulgata, from L.L. vulgata common, general, ordinary, popular (in vulgata editio popular edition ), from L. vulgata, fem. pp. of vulgare …   Etymology dictionary

  • Vulgate — ► NOUN ▪ the principal Latin version of the Bible, prepared in the 4th century and later revised and adopted as the official text for the Roman Catholic Church. ORIGIN from Latin vulgata editio edition prepared for the public …   English terms dictionary

  • Vulgate — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Vulgate (homonymie). Vulgata Sixtina …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Vulgate, The —    by Saint Jerome (ca. 405)    The Vulgate (meaning “common language”) is the Latin version of the Bible produced mainly by St. JEROME. It was the text that became the standard version of the Christian Scriptures in western Europe from the fifth …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Vulgate — /vul gayt, git/, n. 1. the Latin version of the Bible, prepared chiefly by Saint Jerome at the end of the 4th century A.D., and used as the authorized version of the Roman Catholic Church. 2. (l.c.) any commonly recognized text or version of a… …   Universalium

  • Vulgate — /ˈvʌlgeɪt/ (say vulgayt), / gət/ (say guht) noun 1. the Latin version of the Scriptures, prepared mainly by monk and scholar St Jerome near the end of the 4th century, and which was formerly accepted by the Roman Catholic Church as the only… …  

  • Vulgate — n. 1 a the Latin version of the Bible prepared mainly by St Jerome in the late fourth century. b the official Roman Catholic Latin text as revised in 1592. 2 (vulgate) the traditionally accepted text of any author. 3 (vulgate) common or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Vulgate — [ vʌlgeɪt, gət] noun 1》 the principal Latin version of the Bible, the official text for the Roman Catholic Church. 2》 (vulgate) formal common or colloquial speech. Origin from L. vulgata (editio(n )) (edition) prepared for the public , feminine… …   English new terms dictionary

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