
One who expresses his choice of candidates or measures offered or proposed at an election by marking a ballot or indicating his choice by appropriate act upon a voting machine. One possessing the legal qualifications of an elector, so as to be entitled to vote. Re Denny, 150 Ind 104, 59 NE 359. See elector. votes cast at election. The number of voters voting. Gottstein v Lister, 88 Wash 462. 153 P 595. In the absence of a certification of the number of electors voting, the court must presume that the highest number of votes cast for candidates for any one office represents the number of electors voting. State ex rel. Howie v Brantley, 113 Miss 786, 74 So 662. In ascertaining whether a school bond issue has been approved by the requisite two-thirds of the qualified voters voting thereon, void ballots are not to be considered as voting thereon, even though in tabulating the result of the election the canvassing board has included them in its total of ballots cast. Anno: 4 ALR2d 612. As to whether the majority vote required for the adoption of a proposition or measure submitted at a general election is to be determined on the basis of the entire vote cast upon such proposition or measure or the total number of votes cast at the election, see 26 Am J2d Elect § 311. voting. See vote.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • voter — [ vɔte ] v. <conjug. : 1> • 1704; angl. to vote (→ vote); « exprimer son suffrage dans un chapitre » 1680 ; du lat. votum 1 ♦ V. intr. Exprimer son opinion par son vote (1o), son suffrage. Ils « n avaient pas le temps de résidence… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Voter — Vot er, n. One who votes; one who has a legal right to vote, or give his suffrage; an elector; a suffragist; as, an independent voter. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • voter — index constituent (member) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 voter …   Law dictionary

  • voter — [vōt′ər] n. a person who has a right to vote; elector, esp. one who actually votes …   English World dictionary

  • VOTER — v. intr. Donner sa voix, son suffrage dans une élection, dans une délibération. Il n’a pas voulu voter. Je vote comme vous. Voter par assis et levé. Voter à main levée. Voter au scrutin secret. J’ai voté pour lui. VOTER s’emploie aussi comme… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 8eme edition (1935)

  • voter — (vo té) v. n. 1°   Autrefois, voter était employé dans les couvents, et signifiait donner sa voix au chapitre.    Plus tard, quelques historiens s en servirent en parlant des affaires d Angleterre ou à l imitation des affaires d Angleterre, pour… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • voter — I (Roget s IV) n. Syn. elector, balloter, registered voter, member of a constituency, member of the electorate; part of the farm vote, labor vote, urban vote, etc.; vote caster, absentee voter, native, naturalized citizen, poll tax payer,… …   English dictionary for students

  • VOTER — v. n. Donner sa voix, son suffrage dans une élection, dans une délibération. Il n a pas voulu voter. Je vote comme vous. Voter par assis et levé.   Activem., Voter une loi, un impôt, Exprimer, au moyen des votes, son consentement à une loi, à un… …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

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  • voter — n. 1) an absentee; floating (BE) ( unattached ); independent; registered voter 2) a voter registers (to vote) * * * [ vəʊtə] independent registered voter floating ( unattached ; BE) an absentee a voter registers (to vote) …   Combinatory dictionary

  • voter — vot|er [ˈvəutə US ˈvoutər] n 1.) someone who has the right to vote in a political election, or who votes in a particular election ▪ Voters overwhelmingly rejected the far right in the May elections. ▪ In Ireland 83% of voters favoured EC… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

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