- vice-domini
- Same as vidames.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Vidame — Vidame, a French corruption of the official Latin term vicedominus ( vice lord ), was a feudal title in France. The vidame was originally, like the avoué (advocatus), a secular official chosen by the bishop of the diocese, with the consent of the … Wikipedia
ADVOCATUS Ecclesiae Spelmanno duplex — alius causarum Ecclesiae, alius soli: Hic haecditartus, ille dativus. Causarum Advocati a Principe dabantur, ad respondendum in colloquiis iudicialibus, Can. 99. Synod. Carthag, Post Consulatum Stiliconis inducta est Advocatiorum defensio, pro… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
NOMENCLATOR — alias Monitor, item Fartor, nomen servi apud Romanos; quorum plures, ob frequentes salutationes ac prensationes aderant Domino, qui nomina transeuntium salutantiumque illi suggererent. Horum laus erat, plurimos nosse. Unde elegans exstat… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
RYSVICUM i. e. RYSWYK — RYSVICUM, i. e. RYSWYK pagus celebris, et peramoenus Hollandiae, suburbanus Hagae Comitum, Potentissimi, Augustissimi, Felicissini, Serenissimi VILHELMI III. Magnae Britanniae Regis, Castro sumptuosissimo, magnificentissimo nobilitatus; in cuius… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
JERUSALEM — The entry is arranged according to the following outline: history name protohistory the bronze age david and first temple period second temple period the roman period byzantine jerusalem arab period crusader period mamluk period … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Gott — 1. Ach du grosser Gott, was lässt du für kleine Kartoffeln wachsen! – Frischbier2, 1334. 2. Ach Gott, ach Gott, seggt Leidig s Lott, all Jahr e Kind on kein Mann! (Insterburg.) – Frischbier2, 1335. 3. Ach, du lieber Gott, gib unserm Herrn ein n… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
ЕВХАРИСТИЯ. ЧАСТЬ I — [греч. Εὐχαριστία], главное таинство христ. Церкви, состоящее в преложении (μεταβολή изменение, превращение) приготовленных Даров (хлеба и разбавленного водой вина) в Тело и Кровь Христовы и причащении (κοινωνία приобщение; μετάληψις принятие)… … Православная энциклопедия
Herr — 1. Ain Herr, der zu lugen lust hat, dess diener seind alle gottloss. – Agricola II, 221. 2. Alle sind Herren, wer ist Sklave? 3. Alles kamme unsem leiwen Heren alleine anvertruggen, awwer kein jung Méaken un kein draug Hög. (Westf.) Alles kann… … Deutsches Sprichwörter-Lexikon
Socially responsible investing — Alternative Energy: One of many forms of sustainable investing Socially responsible investing (SRI), also known as sustainable, socially conscious, or ethical investing, describes an investment strategy which seeks to consider both financial… … Wikipedia
History of calendars — The history of calendars spans several thousand years. In many early civilizations, calendar systems were developed. For example, in Sumer, the birthplace of the modern sexagesimal system, there were 12 months of 29 or 30 days apiece, much like… … Wikipedia