upon sight
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sight — sightable, adj. sighter, n. /suyt/, n. 1. the power or faculty of seeing; perception of objects by use of the eyes; vision. 2. an act, fact, or instance of seeing. 3. one s range of vision on some specific occasion: Land is in sight. 4. a view;… … Universalium
sight draft — see draft Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. sight draft … Law dictionary
sight — [sīt] n. [ME siht < OE (ge)siht < base of seon, to SEE1] 1. a) something seen; view b) a remarkable or spectacular view; spectacle c) a thing worth seeing usually used in pl. [the sights of the city] … English World dictionary
Sight & Sound — (ISSN|0037 4806) is a British monthly film magazine published by the British Film Institute (BFI). The Independent newspaper has described it as highbrow but accessible . Sight Sound was first published in 1932 and in 1934 management of the… … Wikipedia
sight — adj: payable on presentation see also sight draft at draft Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 … Law dictionary
sight — Synonyms and related words: Anschauung, aim, aim at, airscape, amazement, angle, angle of vision, assumption, astonishing thing, astonishment, atrocity, attitude, awe inspiring, baboon, bag, barrel, basis, batch, behold, bend, blemish, blot,… … Moby Thesaurus
sight — n 1. vision, eyesight, eyes. 2. range or field of vision, eyeshot, eyereach, ken, view; gaze, look; inspection, scrutiny. 3. glimpse, brief look, look, glance, Fr. apercu, Scot. glisk, Fr. coup d oeil, Inf. once over, Inf. looksee, Sl. gander,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
sight — The power to see. The faculty of vision. Act of seeing; perception of objects by the instrumentality of the eyes; view. Tracey v Standard Acci. Ins. Co. 119 Me 131, 109 A 490, 9 ALR 521, 529. A grand or spectacular view. Something worth seeing.… … Ballentine's law dictionary
sight draft — A bill of exchange or draft payable upon presentation to the drawee. The equivalent of a check payable upon demand. Mt. Vernon Nat. Bank v Canby State Bank, 129 Or 36, 276 P2d 262, 63 ALR 1133. A draft payable at or after sight can never become… … Ballentine's law dictionary
sight draft — noun a draft payable on presentation • Syn: ↑sight bill • Hypernyms: ↑draft, ↑bill of exchange, ↑order of payment * * * noun : a draft payable on presentation * * * a draft payable upon presentation. [1840 50, Amer … Useful english dictionary