authority of agent

authority of agent
The power of the agent to affect the legal relations of the principal by acts done in accord with the principal's manifestations of consent to him. See agent's actual authority; agent's apparent authority; agent's express authority; agent's implied authority; agent's incidental authority.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Agent (law) — For other uses of the word Agent, see Agent (disambiguation). This is correctAn Agent in Commercial Law is a person who is authorised to act on behalf of another (called the Principal) to create a legal relationship with a Third Party. Section… …   Wikipedia

  • agent —    A person who, by mutual consent, is authorized to act for the benefit of and under the direction of another person when dealing with third parties. The person who appoints the agent is the principal. The agent is in a fiduciary relationship… …   Business law dictionary

  • authority — au·thor·i·ty n pl ties 1: an official decision of a court used esp. as a precedent 2 a: a power to act esp. over others that derives from status, position, or office the authority of the president; also: jurisdiction b: the power to act …   Law dictionary

  • agent — n 1: someone or something that acts or exerts power: a moving force in achieving some result 2: a person guided or instigated by another in some action where the heads of departments are the political...agent s of the executive, merely to execute …   Law dictionary

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  • agent — [ā′jənt] n. [L agens (gen. agentis), prp. of agere, ACT1] 1. a person or thing that performs an action or brings about a certain result, or that is able to do so 2. an active force or substance producing an effect [a chemical agent] 3. a person,… …   English World dictionary

  • Agent — A gent, n. 1. One who exerts power, or has the power to act; an actor. [1913 Webster] Heaven made us agents, free to good or ill. Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. One who acts for, or in the place of, another, by authority from him; one intrusted with… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • authority — Permission. Right to exercise powers; to implement and enforce laws; to exact obedience; to command; to judge. Control over; jurisdiction. Often synonymous with power. The power delegated by a principal to his agent. The lawful delegation of… …   Black's law dictionary

  • authority — Permission. Right to exercise powers; to implement and enforce laws; to exact obedience; to command; to judge. Control over; jurisdiction. Often synonymous with power. The power delegated by a principal to his agent. The lawful delegation of… …   Black's law dictionary

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