Federal Trade Commission Act — a US statute that controls unfair competition and established an administrative agency, the Federal Trade Commission. While the Sherman Act and the Clayton Act are essentially criminal provisions, this provision allows for cease and desist orders … Law dictionary
Federal Trade Commission Act — The Federal Trade Commission Act of 1914 (15 U.S.C §§ 41 58, as amended ) established the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), a bipartisan body of five members appointed by the President of the United States for seven year terms. This Commission was… … Wikipedia
Trade Commission — A federal agency established by the Federal Trade Commission Act and empowered and directed by such Act to prevent the use of methods, acts or practices declared unlawful by the Act. 52 Am J1st Tradem § 198. An agency established by the Federal… … Ballentine's law dictionary
Trade Practices Act 1974 — The Trade Practices Act 1974 is an act of the Parliament of Australia. The act provides for protection of consumers and prevents some restrictive trade practices of companies. It is the key antitrust law in Australia. It is administered by the… … Wikipedia
Trade Disputes Act 1906 — The Trade Disputes Act 1906 (short title 6 Edward VII, c. 47 ) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed under the Liberal government of Sir Henry Campbell Bannerman. The Act declared that unions could not be sued for damages… … Wikipedia
Federal Trade Commission — Infobox Government agency agency name = Federal Trade Commission logo = logo width = logo caption = seal width = 150 px seal caption = Official seal formed = September 26, 1914 preceding1 = Bureau of Corporations jurisdiction = Federal government … Wikipedia
Federal Trade Commission — Pour les articles homonymes, voir FTC. Federal Trade Commission … Wikipédia en Français
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) — 1914 gemäß ⇡ Federal Trade Commission Act errichtete amerikanische Kartellbehörde; Sitz in Washington, D.C. Neben der Antitrust Division des Justizministers für die Einhaltung des Wettbewerbsrechts zuständig; daneben Durchsetzung der Vorschriften … Lexikon der Economics
Federal Trade Commission — FTC The US government agency established in 1915 by the Federal Trade Commission Act (1914) to promote free and fair competition in interstate commerce and to prevent unfair methods of competition. Its wide brief covers takeovers, mergers,… … Big dictionary of business and management
Federal Trade Commission Act — amerikanisches Gesetz von 1914 zur Errichtung einer Kartellbehörde mit Aufgaben in der ⇡ Antitrust Gesetzgebung … Lexikon der Economics