time certificate of deposit

time certificate of deposit
An instrument issued by a bank reciting that the person named therein has deposited in the bank the sum specified, payable to the order of himself on the return of the certificate properly indorsed, with interest, the sum to be left a stated period of time, usually six months or one year, and not to bear interest after the expiration of such period. 10 Am J2d Banks § 455.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • certificate of deposit (CD) — Receipt from a bank acknowledging the deposit of a sum of money. The most common type, the time certificate of deposit, is for a fixed term interest bearing deposit in a large denomination. It consequently pays higher interest than a savings… …   Universalium

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  • certificate of deposit — n. 1. a time deposit paying a specified rate of interest for a specified period of time, with a penalty imposed for premature withdrawal of the deposited funds 2. a certificate acknowledging such a deposit …   English World dictionary

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  • certificate of deposit — ( CD) A time deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a certificate. Chicago Board of Trade glossary ( CD) A large time deposit with a bank, having a specific maturity date and yield stated on the certificate. CDs usually are issued with… …   Financial and business terms

  • certificate of deposit — a written acknowledgment of a bank that it has received from the person named a specified sum of money as a deposit, often for a fixed term at a specified interest rate. Abbr.: CD, C.D. * * * ▪ finance       a receipt from a bank acknowledging… …   Universalium

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