
At that time. Next in the order of events. Accordingly. As used in a will, subject to construction as an adverb of time, having its ordinary grammatical acceptation in meaning, or as a word of reasoning connecting a consequence with a premise, in other words, the equivalent of "in that event." 57 Am J1st Wills § 1332. A word sometimes postponing the ascertainment of a class until the time to which it has reference. 57 Am J1st Wills § 1283. In a limitation of a remainder, ordinarily relating to the time of enjoyment rather than the time of vesting. Anno: 103 ALR 599. A will providing that, at the expiration of a life estate, the testator "then" gives the remainder to his children "absolutely and forever," uses the word "then" as an adverb of time to be construed as relating solely to the time of enjoyment of the estate, and not to the time of its vesting in interest. Re Kroos, 302 NY 424, 99 NE2d 222, 47 ALR2d 894. In an indictment, where the time when an act was done is alleged as "then," and time is not an issuable fact in the case, the word "then" means any time within the period of the statute of limitations. State v Archer, 32 NM 319, 255 P 396, 399.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • then — [ ðen ] function word *** Then can be used in the following ways: as an adverb: I was still at school then. as an adjective (only before a noun): the then prime minister, Harold Wilson 1. ) at that time a ) at a particular time in the past or in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • then — [then] adv. [ME: see THAN] 1. at that time [he was young then] 2. soon afterward; next in time [he took his hat and then left] 3. next in order [first comes alpha and then beta] 4. in that case; therefore; accordingly: used with conjunctive f …   English World dictionary

  • Then — ([th][e^]n), adv. [Originally the same word as than. See {Than}.] 1. At that time (referring to a time specified, either past or future). [1913 Webster] And the Canaanite was then in the land. Gen. xii. 6. [1913 Webster] Now I know in part; but… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Then — Then, conj. 1. Than. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] 2. In that case; in consequence; as a consequence; therefore; for this reason. [1913 Webster] If all this be so, then man has a natural freedom. Locke. [1913 Webster] Now, then, be all thy… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • then — adverb of time, from O.E. þanne, þænne, þonne, from P.Gmc. *thana (Cf. O.Fris. thenne, O.S. thanna, Du. dan, O.H.G. danne, Ger. dann), from PIE demonstrative pronoun root *to (see THE (Cf. the)). For further sense development, see …   Etymology dictionary

  • then — ► ADVERB 1) at that time. 2) after that; next. 3) also. 4) therefore. ● but then (again) Cf. ↑but then again ● then and there Cf. ↑ …   English terms dictionary

  • then — [adv1] before; at another time again, all at once, anon, at that instant, at that moment, at that point, at that time, before long, formerly, later, next, on that occasion, soon after, suddenly, thereupon, when, years ago; concept 799 then [adv2] …   New thesaurus

  • then — index late (defunct) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

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