- Testes ponderantur, non numerantur
- Witnesses are weighed, not counted.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
testes ponderantur, non numerantur — /testiyz pondaraentar, non n(y)uwmaraentar/ Witnesses are weighed, not numbered. That is, in case of a conflict of evidence, the truth is to be sought by weighing the credibility of the respective witnesses, not by the mere numerical… … Black's law dictionary
ponderantur testes, non numerantur — /pondarxntar testiyz non n(y)uwmarsentar/ Witnesses are weighed, not counted … Black's law dictionary
Ponderantur testes, non numerantur — Witnesses are weighed, not counted. Bakeman v Rose (NY) 14 Wend 105, 109 … Ballentine's law dictionary
evidence — ev·i·dence 1 / e və dəns, ˌdens/ n [Medieval Latin evidentia, from Latin, that which is obvious, from evident evidens clear, obvious, from e out of, from + videns, present participle of videre to see]: something that furnishes or tends to furnish … Law dictionary
weight — I (burden) noun care, cumbrance, duty, encumbrance, incubus, liability, load, mass, obligation, onus, oppression, ponderousness, pressure, responsibility II (credibility) noun belief, certainty, confidence, credence, credibleness, credit, faith,… … Law dictionary