- tenure of office
- The right to hold office for a prescribed term. 43 Am J1st Pub Of § 149. The possession of an office. The length of time an office is held. See tenure statutes; term of office.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Tenure of Office Act — The Tenure of Office Act (USStat|14|430, March 2, 1867), enacted over the veto of President Andrew Johnson, denied the President of the United States the power to remove from office anyone who had been appointed by the President by and with the… … Wikipedia
Tenure of Office Act — (1867) Law forbidding the U.S. president to remove civil officers without the consent of the Senate. Passed by the Radical Republicans over the veto of Pres. Andrew Johnson, the measure sought to prevent Johnson from removing cabinet members who… … Universalium
Andrew Johnson: Veto of Tenure of Office — ▪ Primary Source The important off year election of 1866 went heavily in favour of the Radical Republicans. By the time the 39th Congress convened in December it was apparent that the President Andrew Johnson s authority and prestige never… … Universalium
tenure — ten·ure / ten yər/ n [Anglo French, feudal holding, from Old French teneüre, from Medieval Latin tenitura, ultimately from Latin tenēre to hold] 1: the act, manner, duration, or right of holding something tenure of office; specif: the manner of… … Law dictionary
tenure — early 15c., holding of a tenement, from Anglo Fr. and O.Fr. tenure a tenure, estate in land (13c.), from O.Fr. tenir to hold, from V.L. *tenire, from L. tenere to hold (see TENET (Cf. tenet)). The sense of condition or fact of holding a status,… … Etymology dictionary
tenure — noun 1 holding an important position ADJECTIVE ▪ life, lifetime (esp. AmE), long ▪ the lifetime tenure of federal judges ▪ brief, short ▪ … Collocations dictionary
office — A right, and correspondent duty, to exercise a public trust. A public charge or employment. An employment on behalf of the government in any station or public trust, not merely transient, occasional, or incidental. The most frequent occasions to… … Black's law dictionary
office — officeless, adj. /aw fis, of is/, n. 1. a room, set of rooms, or building where the business of a commercial or industrial organization or of a professional person is conducted: the main office of an insurance company; a doctor s office. 2. a… … Universalium
tenure — n. 1 a condition, or form of right or title, under which (esp. real) property is held. 2 (often foll. by of) a the holding or possession of an office or property. b the period of this (during his tenure of office). 3 guaranteed permanent… … Useful english dictionary
tenure — noun (U) 1 the right to stay permanently in a teaching job at university 2 formal the period of time when someone has an important job: throughout his tenure in office 3 law the legal right to live in a house or use a piece of land for a period… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English