tenant in free socage
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free socage — noun Etymology: Middle English fre socage (translation of Medieval Latin socagium liberum), from fre free + socage : a free tenure of land held by services of an honorable but not spiritual, military, or serviential nature called also free and… … Useful english dictionary
free socage — Medieval Hist. land held by a tenant who rendered certain honorable and nonservile duties to his lord. Also called free and common socage. Cf. villein socage. * * * … Universalium
socage — /sowkaj/ A species of tenure, in England, whereby the tenant held certain lands in consideration of certain inferior services of husbandry to be performed by him to the lord of the fee. In its most general and extensive signification, a tenure by … Black's law dictionary
Socage Tenure — ♦ The humblest of medieval freehold tenures; the tenant is commonly a free man, an agricultural worker, who owes to his lord money rent or clearly specified agricultural services such as ploughing or harvesting. (Hogue, Arthur R. Origins of the… … Medieval glossary
villein socage — noun : a tenure of land held by a tenant villein owing by custom a duty to render to the feudal lord fixed and definite services of a base and servile nature * * * Medieval Hist. land held by a tenant who rendered to a lord specified duties of a… … Useful english dictionary
villein socage — Medieval Hist. land held by a tenant who rendered to a lord specified duties of a servile nature. Cf. free socage. [1760 70] * * * … Universalium
villein socage — /vilan sokaj/ In feudal and old English law, a species of tenure in which the services to be rendered were certain and determinate, but were of a base or servile nature; i.e., not suitable to a man of free and honorable rank. This was also called … Black's law dictionary
colibertus — A tenant in free socage who was nevertheless under a duty of rendering some service to the lord … Ballentine's law dictionary
freehold — /free hohld /, Law. 1. an estate in land, inherited or held for life. n. 2. a form of tenure by which an estate is held in fee simple, fee tail, or for life. adj. 3. pertaining to, of the nature of, or held by freehold. [1375 1425; late ME… … Universalium
Freehold — /free hohld /, n. a town in E New Jersey: battle of Monmouth courthouse 1778. 10,020. Formerly, Monmouth. * * * In Anglo American law, ownership of a substantial interest in real property (see real and personal property) held for an indefinite… … Universalium