tales de circumstantibus

tales de circumstantibus
Jurors from the bystanders, that is, jurors empaneled from bystanders in the court room to form a jury, where a sufficient number of qualified jurors are not available for the trial of a case. 31 Am J Rev ed Jury § 3. For so many of the bystanders,--an old writ for directing the addition of a sufficient number of persons from those present in the court room to make up the jury of twelve. See 3 Bl Comm 365.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • Tales de circumstantibus — Tales Ta les, n. [L., pl. of talis such (persons).] (Law) (a) pl. Persons added to a jury, commonly from those in or about the courthouse, to make up any deficiency in the number of jurors regularly summoned, being like, or such as, the latter.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tales de circumstantibus — /teyliyz diy sarkamstintabas/ So many of the by standers. The emphatic words of the old writ awarded to the sheriff to make up a deficiency of jurors out of the persons present in court. 3 Bl.Comm. 365. The order of the judge for taking such by… …   Black's law dictionary

  • Tales — Ta les, n. [L., pl. of talis such (persons).] (Law) (a) pl. Persons added to a jury, commonly from those in or about the courthouse, to make up any deficiency in the number of jurors regularly summoned, being like, or such as, the latter. Blount …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Tales book — Tales Ta les, n. [L., pl. of talis such (persons).] (Law) (a) pl. Persons added to a jury, commonly from those in or about the courthouse, to make up any deficiency in the number of jurors regularly summoned, being like, or such as, the latter.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • tales — ta·les / tā ˌlēz/ n pl often attrib [from the Medieval Latin phrase tales de circumstantibus such (persons) of the bystanders; from the use of the phrase in the writ summoning them]: persons added to a jury from among those available in or about… …   Law dictionary

  • tales — [tā′lēz΄] pl.n. [ME < ML tales (de circumstantibus), such (of those standing about), phr. in writ summoning them < L, pl. of talis, such: see THAT] Law 1. people summoned to fill jury vacancies when the regular panel has become deficient in …   English World dictionary

  • tales — /taylz, tay leez/, n. Law. 1. (used with a pl. v.) persons chosen to serve on the jury when the original panel is insufficiently large: originally selected from among those present in court. 2. (used with a sing. v.) the order or writ summoning… …   Universalium

  • tales — [ teɪli:z] noun Law a writ for summoning substitute jurors when the original jury has become deficient in number. Origin from L. tales (de circumstantibus) such (of the bystanders) , the first words of the writ …   English new terms dictionary

  • TALES — n. Law 1 a writ for summoning jurors to supply a deficiency. 2 a list of persons who may be summoned. Etymology: ME f. L tales (de circumstantibus) such (of the bystanders), the first words of the writ …   Useful english dictionary

  • circumstantibus, tales de — See tales …   Black's law dictionary

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