
A co test, especially a horse race, or game of chance in which the winner "sweeps in" or takes all the stakes wagered. As defined by the American racing rules, a sweepstakes or stake is a race publicly declared open to all complying with its conditions, for which the prize is the sum of the stakes which the subscribers agree to pay for each horse nominated; and, if an additional sum of money, cup, plate, or other reward is offered to the winner, the race is still a sweepstakes, whatever may be the name given to such addition. Three subscribers, unless otherwise stipulated in its conditions, make a sweepstakes, and the race is not void so long as there is a horse qualified to start. Stone v Clay (CA7 Ill) 61 F 889, 890.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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(in gaming or in horse-racing) / (at a horse-race)

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  • sweepstakes — [swēpstāk΄swēp′stāks΄] n. pl. sweepstakes [because the winner “sweeps in” all of the stakes] 1. a lottery in which each participant puts up money in a common fund which is given as the prize to the winner or in shares to several winners 2. a) a… …   English World dictionary

  • Sweepstakes — Sweep stakes , n. 1. A winning of all the stakes or prizes; a sweepstake. [1913 Webster] 2. sing. or pl. The whole money or other things staked at a horse race, a given sum being put up for each horse, all of which goes to the winner, or is… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • sweepstakes — n. (1) A contest that awards prizes based on random drawings of entries, often used as a promotion of products. (2) A horse race or other gambling contest in which the winner or winners receive all the stakes placed on the race. The Essential Law …   Law dictionary

  • sweepstakes — prize won in a race or contest, 1773, from M.E. swepestake one who sweeps or wins all the stakes in a game (1495, as the name of one of the King s ships), from swepen sweep + STAKE (Cf. stake) (v) …   Etymology dictionary

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  • sweepstakes — /sweep stayks /, n. (used with a sing. or pl. v.) 1. a race or other contest for which the prize consists of the stakes contributed by the various competitors. 2. the prize itself. 3. a lottery in which winning tickets are selected at random,… …   Universalium

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