suspended sentence

suspended sentence
See suspension of sentence.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • suspended sentence — see sentence Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. suspended sentence …   Law dictionary

  • suspended sentence — noun A sentence of imprisonment not served unless the offender commits another crime • • • Main Entry: ↑suspend * * * suspended sentence UK [səˌspendɪd ˈsentəns] US [səˌspendəd ˈsentəns] noun [countable] [singular suspended sentence …   Useful english dictionary

  • suspended sentence — suspended sentences N COUNT If a criminal is given a suspended sentence, they are given a prison sentence which they have to serve if they commit another crime within a specified period of time. John was given a four month suspended sentence …   English dictionary

  • Suspended sentence — A suspended sentence is a legal construct. Unless a minimum punishment is prescribed by law, the court has the power to suspend the passing of sentence (generally for a period of three years) and place the offender on probation. It is the passing …   Wikipedia

  • suspended sentence — UK [səˌspendɪd ˈsentəns] / US [səˌspendəd ˈsentəns] noun [countable] Word forms suspended sentence : singular suspended sentence plural suspended sentences legal time that someone will have to spend in prison only if they commit another crime… …   English dictionary

  • suspended sentence — A conviction of a crime followed by a sentence that is given formally, but not actually served. A suspended sentence in criminal law means in effect that defendant is not required at the time sentence is imposed to serve the sentence. Richards v …   Black's law dictionary

  • suspended sentence — sus.pended sentence n a punishment given by a court in which a criminal is told they will be sent to prison if they do anything else illegal within the time mentioned ▪ a two year suspended sentence …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • suspended sentence — noun (C) a punishment given by a court in which the criminal will only go to prison if they do something else illegal within a particular period of time: a two year suspended sentence …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • suspended sentence — sus|pend|ed sen|tence [ sə,spendəd sentəns ] noun count LEGAL time that someone will have to spend in prison only if they commit another crime within a fixed period …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • suspended sentence — on probation …   English contemporary dictionary

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