- surrogate's court
- A probate court. 20 Am J2d Cts § 32. See probate court.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
surrogate's court — n: a probate court in New York Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. surrogate s court … Law dictionary
New York Surrogate's Court — New York State Unified Court System Court of Appeals Supreme Court, Appellate Division Supreme Court Court of Claims Surrogate s Court New York City Courts (Civil, Criminal) This box … Wikipedia
surrogate — sur·ro·gate / sər ə gət/ n [Latin surrogatus, past participle of surrogare subrogare to substitute, from sub in place of, under + rogare to ask] 1: one acting in the place of another; esp: one standing in loco parentis to a child 2 often cap: the … Law dictionary
Surrogate Court — A Surrogate Court is a specialized court which deals with matters of probate and the administration of estates. Sometimes referred to as Probate Court, such courts consider only those cases that deal with the distribution of deceased persons… … Wikipedia
surrogate court — Name of court in certain states with jurisdiction similar to that of probate court. In New York the Surrogate s Court has jurisdiction over all actions and proceedings relating to the affairs of decedents, probate of wills, administration of… … Black's law dictionary
court — / kōrt/ n [Old French, enclosed space, royal entourage, court of justice, from Latin cohort cohors farmyard, armed force, retinue] 1 a: an official assembly for the administration of justice: a unit of the judicial branch of government the… … Law dictionary
surrogate court — See: probate court Category: Small Claims Court & Lawsuits Nolo’s Plain English Law Dictionary. Gerald N. Hill, Kathleen Thompson Hill. 2009. surrogate court … Law dictionary
Surrogate — may refer to:Cultural relationships: * Surrogate pregnancy, an arrangement for a woman to carry and give birth to a child who will be raised by others * Sex surrogate, in sexual therapy * Surrogate marriage, a custom in African cultureIn the arts … Wikipedia
surrogate parent — n. A person other than a child’s parent who assumes parental responsibilities toward that child; an advocate appointed for a child by a juvenile court. The Essential Law Dictionary. Sphinx Publishing, An imprint of Sourcebooks, Inc. Amy Hackney… … Law dictionary
surrogate — [sʉr′ə git, sʉr′əgāt΄; ] for v. [, sʉr′əgāt΄] n. [L surrogatus, pp. of surrogare, to elect in place of another, substitute < sub (see SUB ) + rogare, to ask: see ROGATION] 1. a deputy or substitute ☆ 2. in some states, probate court, or a… … English World dictionary