- summa injuria
- The greatest injury. See 1 Bl Comm 62.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
summum jus, summa injuria; summa lex, sununa crux — /samam jas, sama injuriya; sama leks, sama kraks/ Extreme law (rigor of law) is the greatest injury; strict law is great punishment. That is, insistence upon the full measure of a man s strict legal rights may work the greatest injury to others,… … Black's law dictionary
summum jus, summa injuria — summum jus, summa injuria; summa lex, sununa crux /samam jas, sama injuriya; sama leks, sama kraks/ Extreme law (rigor of law) is the greatest injury; strict law is great punishment. That is, insistence upon the full measure of a man s strict… … Black's law dictionary
Summum jus summa injurĭa — (lat.), röm. Rechtssprichwort, schon von Cicero (»De officiis« 1, 10, 30) als solches zitiert: »das höchste Recht (d. h. das Recht, wenn es auf die Spitze getrieben wird) ist die höchste Ungerechtigkeit« … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
summa — (izg. sȕma) ž DEFINICIJA term. rasprava ili traktat o jednom području znanosti ili sinteza cjelokupnog znanja [summe Tome Akvinskog] SINTAGMA summa cum laude (izg. summa kȕm lȁude) s najvećom pohvalom; summa summarum (izg. summa sumárum) (nakon… … Hrvatski jezični portal
summa lex, sununa crux — summum jus, summa injuria; summa lex, sununa crux /samam jas, sama injuriya; sama leks, sama kraks/ Extreme law (rigor of law) is the greatest injury; strict law is great punishment. That is, insistence upon the full measure of a man s strict… … Black's law dictionary
Summum jus summa injuria — т. е. безусловно осуществленное право (иногда) равносильно высшему бесправию латинская поговорка; приводится у Цицерона (De officiis, I, 10, 33) и у Теренция (Heautontimorumenos, IV, 5) … Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона
Summum jus, summa injuria. — См. Где закон, там и обида … Большой толково-фразеологический словарь Михельсона (оригинальная орфография)
summum jus summa injuria — sụm|mum jus sụm|ma in|ju|ria [lat. = höchstes Recht (kann) größtes Unrecht (sein), nach Cicero]: die buchstabengetreue Auslegung eines Gesetzes kann im Einzelfall zu größter Ungerechtigkeit führen … Universal-Lexikon
Summum jus est summa injuria — Rigid late is the greatest injustice. Ogden v Saunders (US) 12 Wheat 213, 283, 6 L Ed 606, 630 … Ballentine's law dictionary
Summum jus summa injuria — Rigid law is the greatest injustice, or, more freely translated, too strict an interpretation of the law is frequently productive of the greatest injustice. The maxim has its counterpart in the maxim, Right too rigid hardens into wrong. Caldwell… … Ballentine's law dictionary