attachiamenta de spinis et boscis

attachiamenta de spinis et boscis
The right of forest officers to appropriate thorns and brushwood to their own use.

Ballentine's law dictionary. . 1998.

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  • attachiamenta de spinis et boscis — noun An ancient privilege granted to forest officers to take for their own any thorns, brushwood, and windfalls within their own precincts …   Wiktionary

  • attachiamenta de spinis et boscis — /3tsech(iy)ament3 diy spaynas et boskas/ A privilege granted to the officers of a forest to take to their own use thorns, brush, and windfalls, within their precincts …   Black's law dictionary

  • attachiamenta de spinis et boscis — /3tsech(iy)ament3 diy spaynas et boskas/ A privilege granted to the officers of a forest to take to their own use thorns, brush, and windfalls, within their precincts …   Black's law dictionary

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