stopping distance — stopping .distance n [U and C] the distance that a driver is supposed to leave between their car and the one in front in order to be able to stop safely … Dictionary of contemporary English
stopping distance — The total amount of time (translated into distance) a vehicle and driver need in which to come to a halt; the shortest stopping distance is the reaction (or thinking) distance (of the driver) added to the braking distance (of the vehicle) … Dictionary of automotive terms
stopping distance — noun The distance that is the sum of the thinking distance and the braking distance … Wiktionary
stopping distance — Total distance required to stop a motor vehicle from time driver recognizes need to stop until vehicle is standing still. Factors which control are speed of vehicle, weather, road conditions, tires, condition of brakes, etc. Usually referred to… … Black's law dictionary
stopping distance — Total distance required to stop a motor vehicle from time driver recognizes need to stop until vehicle is standing still. Factors which control are speed of vehicle, weather, road conditions, tires, condition of brakes, etc. Usually referred to… … Black's law dictionary
stopping distance — noun (C, U) the distance that a driver is supposed to leave between their car and the one in front in order to be able to stop safely … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
stopping distance — noun, pl ⋯ tances [count, noncount] : the distance that a driver needs in order to safely bring a vehicle to a complete stop … Useful english dictionary
distance — I n. 1) to cover; run; travel; walk a distance 2) to keep a distance (to keep a safe distance between cars) 3) to close the distance between 4) a discreet; good, great, long; safe; short distance (we traveled a short distance) 5) (a) shouting;… … Combinatory dictionary
distance — See braking distance reaction distance stopping distance trail distance … Dictionary of automotive terms
Stopping sight distance — is a term used in highway design. It is defined as the length of roadway ahead visible to the driver. American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (1994) A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets (pp. 117 118)]… … Wikipedia