- steam-roller
- A vehicle equipped and running upon heavy rollers, used in pressing loose materials upon the ground into a compact form with smooth surface, particularly in paving streets and highways.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
Ballentine's law dictionary. Anderson, W.S.. 1998.
steam roller — steam roller, or steam|roll|er1 «STEEM ROH luhr», noun. 1. a heavy roller, formerly run by steam but now usually by an internal combustion engine, used to crush and level materials in making and repairing roads. 2. Informal, Figurative. a means… … Useful english dictionary
steam-roller n — Do steam rollers really roll steam? … English expressions
steam roller — Lola māhu hana alanui, kimalola … English-Hawaiian dictionary
steam-roller — See fatty … A dictionary of epithets and terms of address
STEAM-ROLLER — … Useful english dictionary
Providence Steam Roller — Die Providence Steam Roller(s) waren ein American Football Team, welches von 1925 bis 1931 in der National Football League (NFL) beheimatet war. Spielplakat Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Providence Steam Roller — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Providence Steam Roller Fundación 1916 Retiro 1933 Sede Providence, Rhode Island … Wikipedia Español
Providence Steam Roller — The Providence Steam Roller (also referred to as the Providence Steam Rollers, the Providence Steamroller and the Providence Steamrollers) was a professional American football team based in Providence, Rhode Island in the National Football League … Wikipedia
Providence Steam Roller — était une franchise de la NFL (National Football League) basée à Providence. Cette franchise NFL aujourd hui disparue fut fondée en 1925 et fut championne de la NFL en 1928. La crise économique obligea la franchise à cesser ses activités en 1931 … Wikipédia en Français
steam-roll|er — steam roller, or steam|roll|er1 «STEEM ROH luhr», noun. 1. a heavy roller, formerly run by steam but now usually by an internal combustion engine, used to crush and level materials in making and repairing roads. 2. Informal, Figurative. a means… … Useful english dictionary